This is aing

pemandangan yang indah tiada tara haha :p

my family in the kampus

pemandangan yang indah tiada tara haha :p

my bestfriends

pemandangan yang indah tiada tara haha :p


pemandangan yang indah tiada tara haha :p


pemandangan yang indah tiada tara haha :p

Jumat, 28 April 2017


Kejadian yang ga akan bisa terllupakan.. Saat ketinggalan kereta.. Awal mula ceritanya kami sekumpulan makhluk yang sudah lama haus akan vacation berkumpul di tempat makan yang penuh gemerlap lampu, disana kami membahas tuntas dari a sampe z dan ending ending nya bahas liburan. Fix kita jadi liburan tiket kereta api pun di beli saat itu pakai sistem online. Eh ada temen ane yg susah di hubungi dy punya 2 no hp tapi ga ada yg aktif satupun. Wktu terus bergulir dan taraaaa akhir nya temen ane nelpon juga. Pembicaraan ditelpon dan dia jawab mau ikut yeeayy yipi akhirnya disuruh lah beli tiket online, pas liat tiket online sudah habis lah tiket kereta yg bareng ane.. Lalu dy galau seharian dan alhamdulillah dy mau dengan dy pergi sendiri pake kereta yg berbeda. Bedanya sih cuma setengah jam dari kereta ane. Seminggu berlalu dari pembahasan itu, ane cerita ke temen kantor, ane mau liburan, ane exicited banget karena ane belum pernah naik kereta lalu selama dua minggu menuju keberangkatan ane nanya nanya di kereta kaya gimana.. Duduk gimana bisa nungging apa engga. Ah pokoknya so exicited banget.. Lalu temen kantor ane bilang gini heh a lu jangan terlalu exicited banget ntar bisi ada apa apa haha sambil ketawa dy. Kayanya sih ketawanya jujur hahaha. Dua minggu berlalu yippii akhirnya hari ini telah tiba jadwal keberangkatan untuk makhluk" aneh yang butuh kedamaian liburan.. Liburan di longgggg weekend akhir bulan. Ane bergegas jm 5 sore langsung finger print biar ga telat soalnya ane kerja lumayan jauh dri bandung haha. Ane inisiatif mau ikut ke temen ke station kereta di bandung. Nah adegan horor dimulai.. Ane sama temen nunggu temen yg satu lagi untuk nganterin kita ke  station kereta. Kita wa temen ane dimana kah kau gerangan udah jm 5 sore nih yu caw. Kata dy udah berangkat ini lagi di jalan. Karena cuaca kurang bersahabat lalu temen ane pake grab untuk menuju kekantor ane. Nunggu lumayan lah dan kita memutuskan jm 5 lebih 15 untuk berangkat dri kantor menuju tol dan temen ane belum datang juga. Hmm udah mulai was was karena jalanan udah macam mudik lebaran..hha. Sekitar 20 menit ane nunggu deket tol akhirnya sang pangeran datang juga huee haha. Dan kami baru berangkat dari tol setengah 6 lebih 8 menit. Udah deg degan aja nih.. Liat di waze dari tol ke station kereta sekitar 46 menit dalam hari keburu lah tapi mepet.. Jeng jeng perjalanan pun di.mulai.. Pas keluar tol uwowwww macet parah.. Lalu ane cari jalan alternatif lain ehh jeng jeng macett juga. Itu keadaan jm stengah 7 malem ane udah was was. Mulai ane inisiatif nyari mamang mamang gojek. Di aplikasi online ga ada yg mau nge pick up mungkin karena hujan dan deket juga dan takut juga soalnya station angker buat para pencari nafkah online hho.. Lalu aku keluar dari mobil inisiatif cari ojeg biasa taraaa ga ada. Ane udah hopeless lah waktur terus berjalan haaa. Aku tidak boleh menyerah semangat semangat.. Lalu ane nge aplikasi gojek lagi dan akhir nya ada yg mau ngepick up.. Alhamdulillah tapi waktu cumaa 10 menit lagi.. Dan ya udah perjalanan sebener nya deket dan kalo lancar 5 menit nyampe. Eh jeng jeng temen ane nelpon dan kereta udah mau pergi.. Duh panik bin keeung haha. Ya udah pasrah aja lah toh udah mengeluarkan kemampuan semaksimal mungkin hha. Jeng jeng ternyata sampe station jm 19:10 lalu kereta pun sudah pergi. Bingung bin linglung akhirnya angus tiket nya haha. Temen ane yg semobil ane baru dateng dan alhamdulillah dy pas banget masih ada kereta dan dypun berangkat sendiri.. Sayonara.. Oh iyaa lupa di station ditungguin sama bidadari cantik yg kerja nya di kai. Trus dy ngantri go show eh udah pada habis untuk yg arah jogja adanya besok sore. Ane pun bingung bin gendok dan yaa layuu karena ketinggalan itu. Ane mikir lagi mau naik pesawat pas di liat wadaaw mahal binggo harganya.. Ya udah di niatkan untuk tidak jadi liburan dan tiket pulang mau di refund aja. Ehh temen ane beliin tiket buat pergi besok nya tapii sore hari dan nyampe sana jm 00:00 lah sedihh.. Haha. Aku binguuung bingungg 7 keliling soalnya cape di jalan haha. Dan ane cerita ketemen atu lagi yg dy besok nya lembur kantor. Ciann deh lu. Haha. Trus temen ane langsung nelpon dan ngakak tappi dy bilang sedih juga.. Eh ternyata temen ane lagi ngumpul juga sama makhluk makhluk pencari makan disitu ane kena bullying haha. Stopp bullying terhadap anak anak.. Ciee masih anak anak.. 😂 ya udah panjang lebar cerita eh mereka ternyata ig live sama ig story haha kamprett.. Ane memutuskan untuk nginep aja di kosan temen ane karena malu kalo pulang kerumah bahaha kenapa ga jadi liburannya bahaha. Udah dulu ah. To be continue bhay

Selasa, 25 Desember 2012

Semakin Hari Smakin Ga enak hati

sekitar 3 minggu lagi seminar TA1 , rasanya seperti mau nikahan #eh deg-degan ga puguh, ditambah galau menimpa disaat yg tidak tepat, masa 3 minggu lagi harus ganti judul oh no!!! metode belum terkuasai, masalah revisiaan latar belakang selama 5x pertemuan berturut-turut,, bahas latar belakang terus dan belum selesai sampai saat ini,, dosen pembimbing yang baik!! tidak mau anak didiknya pas seminar dicerca oleh dosen penguji,, hhe, tapi,, entah kenapa,, ini hati merasa terganjal,, ada apa gerangan ?? hadeh -_-...ayooo yat tinggal 3 minggu lagi loh seminar masa harus malas terus,, semangat samapi titik darah penghabisan,, usaha, ikhitiar, tawakal dan doa kunci utama nya,, semoga ditahun 2013 ini lulus,, amiin ya Allah,, amiin ya rabbal alamin,, TOGA 2013 hidayat, S.kom amiin amiinn amiinn ya Allah,, semoga bisa membuat bangga kedua orang tuaku :D

Kamis, 27 September 2012

KP dan TA #dongengSkripsi

galau nya bukan main bro, ini yang namanya dongeng bener-bener dah bikin semuanya asa ga enak, gini yah rasanya jadi mahasiswa tingkat akhir, baru merasakan yang namanya galau skripsi haduh, bener-bener ga ketulungan :'( proposal Tugas akhir cuma dikasih seminggu, waktu seminggu ini serasa 1 hari belum ada persiapan, bahan yang diajukan pun belum, judul sudah ada tapi berkutat dengan metode, galau metode galau ntar implementasi na, ngomong-ngomong bahasa galau dari mana sih?? di kamus b. indaonesia kaga ada tuh yg namanya galau hemeh -,-" #abaikan, terus urang harus gimana ayena waktu cuma 4 hari lgi mengumpulkan proposal TA minimal 2 judul hadeh, kumaha caritana neangan 1 judul ge susah bukan susah sih tapi itu ide yang belum kepikiran hmm, 
tapi saya yakin semua akan terlewati, semua akan terbiasa dengan proses yang terjadi sekarang, tantangan didepan jauh lebih berat daripada sekarang. 
mungkin sekarang lagi menikmati galau tingkat dewa sebagai mahasiswa tingkat akhir, saya berjuang untuk masa depan dan saya akan berjuang sampai darah titik penghabisan demi orang-orang yang selalu support saya, orang tua, keluarga, sahabat, teman, dan lingkungan sekitar. 
yakin dan seyakin yakinnya tugas akhir pasti kelar, semangat toga 2013, semangat menyongsong hidup baru setelah bukan menjadi mahasiswa, semnagat yat, you can do it, !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Minggu, 16 September 2012

Marvel at Tangkuban Perahu’s Volcanic Crater

Tangkuban perahu is an active volcano, situated 30 km north of the city of Bandung in the direction of Lembang. It is the only crater in Indonesia that you can drive up to its very rim. Mount Tangkuban Perahu has a distinctive shape, and looks like an “overturned boat”. The huge crater is an astonishing view and you can walk around and explore this for around two hours. Here you will be greeted by sulfur fumes which the crater continues to emit although the volcano is not active.

Like so many of Java’s unusual geographical features, there is an interesting legend behind this fascinating mountain as expressed in the local legend of Sangkuriang. Sangkuriang was a strong young man, who had been separated from his mother, Dayang Sumbi since childhood. Yet, through God’s he came to meet her again. On the way home, he stopped by a small village where he met and fell in love with a beautiful girl, without realizing that the girl he loved was in fact his own mother, Dayang Sumbi, who had remained youthful through the years.

When Dayang Sumbi discovered the terrible truth of her lover’s real identity, she was horrified and knew that she could never marry her own son. She, therefore, challenged him to build a dam and a huge boat during one single night before she would agree to marry him. Seeing that her son was about to complete this impossible wish, she called on God to bring up the sun early. With a wave of her magic shawl, Dayang Sumbi lit up the eastern horizon with flashes of light. Deceived by what looked like dawn, the cocks crowed and farmers rose for a new day.
When Sangkuriang realized that his endeavor was lost, in his rage he kicked the boat that he had built turning it upside down, which was transformed into Mount Tangkuban Perahu, the name that in the local Sundanese language translates roughly to "overturned boat".

Tangkuban Perahu has definitely a significant role especially in the development of the surrounding Parahyangan (land of God) Highlands. Its eruption contributed immensely to the formation and fertility of the hills north of Bandung when through its flow of lava carrying large boulders into the valleys, these formed huge cliffs over which waterfalls leapt to form the lake that today covers the Bandung plain.
Located at the highland just at the outskirt of Bandung, Tangkuban Perahu Crater is surely a perfect place to enjoy cool air and relaxing sceneries after a series of shopping activities in some of the city's factory outlets or the popular Pasar Baru Trade Center. For a rejuvenating sensation, visitors can continue their journey to the nearby Ciater's Revitalizing Hot Springs. sumber :

Rabu, 12 September 2012

Know that you Enjoy Chocolate...

Origin Chocolate
Chocolate or often known as the cocoa produced from cocoa plant known by the Latin name Theobroma cacao. The word Theobroma means food of the gods. Chocolate or cocoa beans taken from the cacao tree.

Largest cocoa producing country in the world today is the Ivory Coast. While Indonesia also ranks third major cocoa producing countries. That's why a lot of chocolate that can be produced and enjoyed in Indonesia. However, exactly where chocolate comes from? What about the history of chocolate?

History of Chocolate
Most likely, in the valleys of the Amazon and Orinoco in South America there are a lot of wild cocoa trees. This tree has been grown there since thousands of years ago, probably since 400 years BC. Then the people of the Mayans began cultivating cocoa trees. When these people migrated to the Yucatan in Central America, they also brought cocoa to it.

The habit of enjoying chocolate started by nobles Aztec Indians in Central America, a region that is now the territory of Mexico. Meso-American population mixing cocoa powder with a bitter taste fermented corn or also with wine. This mixture was blended into the drink served in a golden cup. Even one of the Aztec emperor Montezuma named to drink more than 50 cups of chocolate every day.

In fact, because the chocolate is so valuable at that time considered the food of the gods who became the origin of the Latin name chocolate tree. So the cocoa beans used in religious ceremonies and as gifts. In addition, because the precious chocolate at that time, made the cocoa beans used also as a means of payment that currency.

During a conquest by the Spanish in Mexico and Central America, the Spaniards also began to establish plantations of cocoa. Apparently benefits are enormous, so the Spaniards controlled the trade chocolate until the 18th century. They also brought cocoa beans to Haiti, Trinidad and West Africa. And until now, the largest chocolate producer is one of the countries in West Africa are Côte d'Ivoire.

Chocolate drinking became a habit of the nobles in Spain. Later this custom spread to England and the rest of Europe, especially the upper class and nobility.

Because it's unique, rivaling even chocolate beer that was popular in Europe. And the demand for chocolate with the delicious flavors continues to grow, especially since found a machine for making chocolate during the industrial revolution.

Since the discovery of various ways of making chocolates at the time of the industrial revolution in Europe, steam engines began to be used to grind the chocolate. Then significant changes in improving the quality of chocolate occurred in 1828 in the Netherlands where Coenraad van Houten found a way to separate oil and cocoa powder from cocoa dough rollers. This opens the following findings were able to mix the liquid chocolate is thick and dense, mixed with oil of cocoa and sugar. And this is the origin of solid chocolate that will become the embryo of a chocolate bar that we know today.

Around the 19th century, then the chocolate that tastes creamy on the tongue began to be created. Starting in Switzerland, cocoa dough rollers put porcelain discs and polished a few hours to produce the chocolate is soft and can be melted on the tongue. This process is called conching.

Then a lot of the food industry entrepreneurs began making this type of chocolate was sold. Some well-known names its brand known today, began to plunge in the industry. Entrepreneurs and inventors such as Lindt, Nestle, Hershey, Tobler and Kohler, whose names are known as chocolate brand to this day, has found a variety of chocolate processing machinery to increase the quality and taste of chocolate.

Benefits of Chocolate
Chocolate has been considered as one of the food or drink that can help health. Please read the following article on chocolate for health: Chocolate Making Life Better.

In addition, chocolate also proven to make skin smoother. For example, chocolate can prevent premature aging. Please read the following article: Chocolate for Beauty.

Some studies, although not yet proven, have demonstrated effectiveness in the treatment of various diseases chocolates such as heart disease, constipation, and skin problems. Chocolate can also increase one's good mood was even able to increase sexual arousal.

Yes, chocolate has been a favorite snack and beverage for many people. Of course we are lucky to enjoy chocolate in this modern era, where the flavor, texture and variety available chocolate is very much the quality is much better than when I first enjoyed chocolate. source:

Fishing down the river and in Pangandaran

Pangandaran, is the ultimate choice to spend Eid holidays in 2012 ini.Selain met with relatives of course a lot of places that can be visited either recreational Nature Reserves, Beaches and places that probably not many people like this activity, namely, down time or tributaries that flow into the estuary beach.
If you like fishing you should have to know in advance the time where a lot of fish that will be our target later. if it is to make sure equipment such as tents, umbrellas, mats also create just sit or lie down if tired just sitting. Besides water was clear and still not contaminated by toxic materials, Kali around Pangandaran is also still relatively complete fish-fish, no fish Mujaher, Kating, Bereum Panon (Nilem), Gold, Cork, catfish, Snakeskin, betik, and fish Pelus (eel).
Thanks to the loyalty of the people caring for Pangandaran Nature and Environment, to not destroy and pollute like poison or induce fish with power tools, they usually catch fish using nets, nets or Bubu, simple traps of woven bamboo.
In addition to adequate sources of animal protein such as fish sea they do not lack for that fish or fish the River Kali there are so many fans. There are some people accidentally catch fish from the river only to meet their fodder, such as duck or wild duck that still spawn.
The river in several places around Pangandaran beach at low tide because there are mostly dry, but there are some who face directly into the estuary when the tide afternoon following the sea.
Article submission of Saji Fathurrohman, Citizens Sidamulih Pangandaran

wisata kuliner cimahi

wah wah baru baru ini saya sudah menjelajah kuliner yang ada di cimahi ternyata banyak makanan dan minuman yang menarik untuk di coba karena rasanya mantap gan ahahha,,, bru cobain kuliner yang ada di cimahi seperti bakso hejo yang ada di jl. cihanjuang, bakso mymo yang ada di jl. baros. dan untuk restaurantnya ada di alam wisata cimahi murah meriah loh... ahahah #promosi promosi ahaha,,, terus makanan nya ada nasi merah pedas yang ada di jl citereup tepatnya sih deket tutwuri handayani,,, heheh terus pujasera yang ada di cimahi mall,,, mie tegal lega yang ada di jl. cibabat,,, saung kuring yang ada di belakang ramayana cimahi,,, mie ayam jamur belakang dustira,,,, cilok goreng yang djl cihanjuang, bakso m jalal di jl gunung batu. bakso paino jl contong, sate dustira deket rel heu heu,, rumah makan padjeng deket sma 5 cimahi jl gatsu,,, dan masih banyak lagi,,, so kamu harus coba ya,, di jamin ga akan nyesel deh ahaha


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